
Friday, May 10, 2013

Top 10 Foto Keren Indonesia di National Geographic

Assalamu'alaikum... :)

Waaaah..sudah cukup lama juga ya saya ga posting di blog..
Apa kabar sobat sekalian? Smoga semuanya sehat wal afiat yah.. :) Aamiiin..

Iseng-iseng mampir ke website nya National Geographic ( ), saya menemukan 'something' yang cukup menarik mengenai Indonesia, 'something' yang bisa buat saya bilang 'WOW gituuu'.. Hahahaha lebay.. :D

Ini dia beberapa foto yang saya maksud sebagai 'something' tadi.. Menurut saya ada Top 10 foto-foto keren yang masuk di website tersebut.. :)

1. Pura Ulun Danu Temple, Bali
The water temple of Pura Ulun Danu on Lake Bratan in Bali serves the faithful in the mountainous area near Bedugul.
 2. Balinese Dancers

Opulent costumes adorn performers in a Balinese barong dance, which brings mythological characters to life in a struggle between good and evil, complete with choreographed fight scenes reminiscent of professional wrestling.
3. Borobudur Temple

Construction of Java’s Borobudur Temple, one of the world’s largest Buddhist monuments and a World Heritage site, began in the eighth century, under the Sailendra dynasty. Framed by four volcanoes, it stands 105 feet (32 meters) high.
 4. Mount Simeru and Mount Bromo

Some Indonesians believe that belching volcanoes such as Mount Semeru (in background) and Mount Bromo (in foreground) are portals to a subterranean world that has shaped not only Indonesia’s landscape but also its beliefs and culture. A long exposure time captured stars in this photo—and the brief balanced light from both a fading moon and a brightening eastern sky.
 5. Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta

Jakarta’s Istiqlal Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world, can hold more than 70,000 worshippers at a time. Arab traders brought Islam to the region a thousand years ago. Today Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim country.
 6. Rice Paddies

Rice paddies cover terraces built into an Indonesian hillside. Farmers on Java are surrounded by more than 30 volcanoes, which provide the rich volcanic ash that allows them to harvest three crops of rice in a season—unlike farmers on neighboring Borneo, who have only one volcano.
 7. Coral Reef, Sulawesi

Scuba divers explore a coral reef off Manado Tua Island. The island nations of the tropical western Pacific cradle the richest coral life on the planet. The development of reefs owes much to oceanic volcanoes such as Manado Tua, near the northeastern tip of Sulawesi. The submerged slopes of the volcanoes give corals a toehold on which to grow.
 8. Raja Ampat Islands

The islands of Raja Ampat may well be home to the greatest biodiversity in the world, with almost 600 species of coral, abundant plant life, and unique creatures, such as a shark that walks on its fins and a shrimp that looks like a praying mantis.
 9. Goa Gajah, Bali

The intricately carved walls of Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave) on the island of Bali depict leaves, waves, animals, and demons.
 10. Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple was damaged in an earthquake and buried for centuries under volcanic ash. Excavations began in the early 20th century.
Bagaimana sobat sekalian? Keren-keren kan foto nya? :D (maksaaa)

Ayo sobat-sobat yang punya hobi photography, salurkan bakat kalian dan ikuti juga " 2013 Traveler Photo Contest " yang diadakan oleh National Geographic. Siapa tahu bisa menaaaang., hadiahnya lumayan juga lhooo..  :) (promisiii nih..)

Semoga bermanfaat sob.. :)
Wassalamu'alaikum.. :)


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